Sunday, July 1, 2007

liberals!? yea right

If any of the Liberals out there have any dought to the fact that Socialism, Communism, and Liberalism isn't one and the same they needs a reality check. So that's why I'm here to save your liberal ass and I'm going to do it for free. When I write " get a clue" I'll also be giving those away without charge. There is no need to thank me as it is my duty as an American Patriot to set ones straight on their total lack of knowledge on what Liberalism represents. I'll take it slow so try to keep up.
You shouldn't take my word for anything I write but if you have any American left in you you should look to other you trust to learn the truth. Here's your first free clue. You won't learn truth from another Liberal as he has been fed the same lies as you.
Liberals are always at anti war demonstrations. Who is at the lead in setting up these war protest? You don't know do you? You just go to look cool. It a group called ANSWER. The group is a front group of the Stalin Workers Party. Now Stalin murdered close to 60 million people so how could this group know anything about peace? This group has also set up all these immergration protest marches. They also hang with tree huggers who have us paying $3.00 a gallon for gas
Did you cheak out ANSWER? At least a couple of web searches. If the answer is no then read no more as you won't get it and are doomed to being a hard line Communist and spread lies of this country's leader blaming him for war, bad weather, knowing of 9/11 before know the lies.
All the rest of you need now to go to the web sight of Nancy Pelosi's, Harry Reid's, or any of the elected Democrats you helped put in power. Go to any or all and see what the Demos agenda is besides slander, hear say, and bold face lies. Now go to any Socialist or Communist web sight. Ok there you have it. If you even have a brain the size of a pea you now see Communist, Socialist, Democrat, Liberal are all one and the same. What are you waiting for? Start spreading the word.

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